COM Token Allocation

COM tokens are minted transparently and regularly by smart contracts, based on per-block basis, and follow an annually halved minting cycle until Year 36.There will be 86,400 COM tokens newly minted every day in Year 1, until 365 days later once 31,536,000 COM tokens are reached, half as many COM tokens (43,200 tokens) will be newly minted throughout Year 2, and so on, until Year 36.

  • Max Supply: 63,676,800 COM

  • Initial Supply: 604,800 COM

    • The Initial Supply amount of 604,800 tokens are established to compensate KLAYswap users and Liquidity Providers (LPs).

  • Total Supply to be Minted: 63,072,000 COM

    • Staking Reward(10%): 6,307,200 COM - for stakers

    • Team(20%): 12,614,400 COM - operating expenses, marketing, etc.

    • Damage Relief Fund(50%): 31,536,000 COM - to provide Compass users who suffered financial damage through malicious hacks or scam incidents with a certain level of relief

    • LP incentive for KlaySwap(20%): 12,614,400 COM - reward for liquidity providers

Token Minting Cycle and Distribution

Last updated